By: Kaylee Kline
It’s Almost that time, time to drive that seemingly unending road with your college-bound child in tow, only to comeback without them. Thats right…it’s nearly college time! Wouldn’t it be nice if you could cut back on some of the cost it takes to send your child to school? Well…GOOD NEWs, you can! What am I talking about? Cutting back on your College Drivers insurance rate! With these 10 steps, you’ll be feeling a little better when it comes time to say goodbye! Read on…
Check your policy to make sure your getting all the discounts you possibly can!
Shop Around! Nobody ever said you couldn’t explore your options! See what other companies offer the lowest rates!
Typically it’s cheaper to add your young driver to your own policy. However, explore the option of their own policy as well.
Remember, Extra Safety Features on your teen’s car can make a HUGE difference in the cost of your insurance!
5.Driver Education
Some insurance companies offer up to a 15% discount for additional driving educations! Check out the classes in your state!
6.Good Grades
Good Grades can even make a difference on your insurance cost! A high GPA equals lower insurance rates!
7.Low-Mileage Discounts
If your college bound kid will only be driving around town, insurance companies offer discounts!
8.Deal With Tickets Promptly
Pay those speeding tickets IMMEDIATELY!
9.Raise Your Deductible
This One is pretty Self Explanitory!
10.Cover Minor Damage Yourself Just one tiny fender-bender can raise your insurance premium! Cover the smaller costs yourself!
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