Kansas City car buyers share their car buying experience at the Woody’s Automotive Group in this video testimonial. Northpaw and Angel make the 2 hour trip to Woody’s after finding their car on Craigslist. They made the trip because Northpaw said it’s a wonderful, low-mileage vehicle at a low price. When asked about the sales process at Woody’s, Angel said the experience was no-pressure, which is a little different from the other dealerships out there, especially some of the ones closer to their homes in the KC area.
Northpaw and Angel were also WOW’ed enough to recommend www.wowwoodys.com to their friends and family (and to like us on facebook! www.facebook.com/woodysauto
If you would like to read more reviews about the amazing car dealership everyone is talking about just check out our website at wowwoodys.com!! Or call us today to speak with Polly Applebury toll free 888-716-2794