2006 Jeep Commander Customer Review from Spencer, Iowa
January 22, 2015
Watch the Woody’s Weekly Update 58
January 23, 2015
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Vehicles of the Future: Safe and Sufficient!

Vehicles of the Future: Safe and Sufficient!

It’s 7:30 in the morning, and you have to be at work by 8. Bottom line, YOU’RE LATE! You rush around your house frantically looking for all of your necessities, while at the same time just trying to look presentable to the rest of your co-workers. Success! You’ve somehow done the impossible, and have made it to your vehicle in reasonable time. Having only forgotten to brush your teeth, put socks on, and brush your hair you get into your vehicle. Unaware of your surroundings you put that vehicle in reverse, and gun it. When you least expect it, the unthinkable happens. The little boy next door, who was walking with his mother, was struck by your vehicle pinning him underneath.

![enter image description here][1]
Now 19 years old, Mr. Patrick Ivison is a quadriplegic, and genuinely believes that he lived so he could help "advocate for others". Which is exactly what he has been doing for as long as he can remember. After years of battling with the system he was finally able to testify in front of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). After a long, hard fought battle of pushing for rear-view visibility systems in all vehicles they made an accouncement. All vehicles under 10,000 pounds will be required to have back up cameras if manufactured after May 1, 2018! The field of view for these back up cameras must include a 10-foot by 20-foot zone directly behind the vehicle. Patrick knows that this is a huge step in the right direction, and will save countless lives!

![enter image description here][2]

The average installation cost for a back up camera is around 40-100 dollars depending on where it’s done. According to the NHSTA there are 210 deaths, and 15,000 injuries annually associated with back up collisions.  Had everyone had back up cameras these numbers would reduce dramatically, and the streets would be a little safer!

![enter image description here][3]

What do I think about back up cameras?

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