Watch the Woody’s Weekly Update 63
March 13, 2015
Kenyan and Julie from Pretection, Kansas Service Review
March 17, 2015
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Where are you going? I don’t know- I can’t see the road!

Good visibility when driving is crucial.   Now that it’s almost springtime, you really depend  on your windshield wipers and windshield washer fluid to help maintain a clean view of the road.  Of course, that washer fluid does run out, and it always seems to happen at the worst times.  Depending on your vehicle, you may see a warning light on the dashboard that lets you know your’re about to run out of washer fluid.  If your vehicle is like the winter beater I’ve been driving around, you’ll think everything is fine until it’s too late.  Either way, springtime is a good time to check and refill the washer fluid levels in your vehicle.

This is a very easy job-  Just open the hood and locate the washer fluid reservoir cap, which probably has a symbol like this:
Just add more washer fluid!  Make sure you add the appropriate fluid for the lowest temperatures in your area- You dont’ want that fluid freezing in the lines or on the windshield.  Your owner’s manual may have some additional information about any recommended washer fluids for your specific vehicle.  Checking and filling your washer fluid levels regularly will make those long trips in dusty or mucky conditions a little less stressful and a lot safer.

If you’ve refilled your washer fluid reservoir and still nothing comes out, your vehicle may need a quick check by a mechanic.  The Woody’s Automotive Group is a full-service shop that’s staffed by qualified technicians and is able to work on pretty much any make and model you can think of.  If you’re having trouble with your wipers or washers (or anything else), give them a call today! | 888-869-0963 x6228