Adaptive Headlight
February 21, 2017
Debra drove from Kansas City to purchase her Jeep Cherokee!
Debra from Kansas City shares her Jeep buying Story!
February 25, 2017
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Chore Organizer!

I feel like this is the PERFECT way to both motivate as well as organize the chores for your children. This is a very simple chart to make and would more than likely help push your children to jump right on their to do list every week =)

ALL YOU NEED: – A Magnet Board(size depending on how many jobs you have to give out) – Magnetic Clips – Index Cards – Small Ziploc Baggies


  1. Sit down and write out every chore you need your children to do on individual index cards. If you need something done more than once a week then of course you need to have it up there more than once
  2. Decide how much they should earn for each chore done and add each earning to the index card.
  3. Now you clip the index card and money together and stick it on the magnet board

This is great because it teaches children how to earn money themselves as well as helps mom and dad out at the end of the day.