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Tricks and Tips

1. Wash your car with hair conditioner.

Most hair conditioners contain lanolin, a type of wax, which will make your car shine.

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2. Wipe down the interior of your car with a coffee filter.

Coffee filters are made of a lint-free paper that is perfect for dusting!

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3. Get rid of dead bugs on the front of your car with cooking spray.

Apply cooking spray to a car grille and bumper, then use a clean cloth to rub the dead bugs away.

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4. Clean wiper blades with rubbing alcohol to prevent smears on your windshield.

Use a cotton ball or cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol to wipe your car’s blades.

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5. Use baking soda toothpaste to rub away the grime on headlights.

Squeeze out a blob of toothpaste onto a rag and rub the paste all over headlights. The abrasive texture of the baking soda will help buff away grime.

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Rinse headlights with water. Repeat as necessary.

6. Dust your A/C vents with a foam craft brush.

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7. Or, blast the dust out of vents and carpeted corners with a can of compressed air.

Blowing dust and debris out from vents and the corners of your car’s floor will make it easier to vacuum.

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8. Brush dirt and grime out of the seams of your seats with a toothbrush.

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9. Use wooden skewers or a flathead screwdriver and cloth to remove dirt from small crevices.

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10. Condition your dashboard with Vaseline.

First, wipe away dust with water and a clean rag. Then rub a bit of Vaseline into the dash. You may need to wipe away any excess Vaseline with a clean cloth.

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