By: Lora Crouch
How many times have you found yourself driving down the road and while switching lanes you here, it that loud honking noise, which can only mean one thing… that’s right you almost hit someone. Those nasty Blind Spots are everywhere it seems! This is why the most wanted feature people are searching for these days in a vehicle is Blind Spot Detection! You may think your mirror catches everything but you would be surprised what it misses!
What, you didn’t even know that was a thing? Well it is, and I am here to tell you it can save you from one of the most common accidents. Blind Spot Detection basically co-pilots your car for you! It provides the driver with 360 degrees of information that you wouldn’t other wise have. It’s like a bubble of safety so to speak!
There are two different Monitoring devices you can use:
I feel every vehicle should have one of these devices on them! It can not only save lives from accidents but it will also save on your insurance when those accidents no longer happen! Double Wammy! You can contact the Parts Department here at Woody’s Automotive Groupto get your new device ordered!It never hurts to upgrade on your safety!