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Kids iPAD Center No Pressure Buying

8/26/2012 6:18:52 PM Anita from Tina, MO shares her car buying experience at Woody’s in this video. This was Anita’s first car buying experience @wowwoodys , but some of her friends and family have been WOW’d enough with their Woody’s experiences, that she gave us a try. Anita brought her grandchildren to the showroom during the purchase process and they were engaged and occupied by the Woody’s iPad center so Anita was able to focus on her experience @wowwoodys. Anita said that just knowing that the kids were safe and entertained, but still in full view during the deal made it much easier to complete the process. Anita also says her sales advisor Jeff Henderson did a great, no-pressure job of helping them into the car that was right for them.


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