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Brake Service, Kansas City MO

Need brake service near Kansas City, MO?

How often you drive and where you drive can affect the durability of your car’s brakes. For example, someone who drives 9,000 miles in a crowded city such as Kansas City, MO will need to have their brake pads replaced more often than someone who lives in a suburban or rural area and does a lot of freeway driving. Brake pads pads are used much more often during city driving compared to the freeway (depending on the traffic).

It’s generally a good idea to have the brake pads checked and tires rotated every 6 months for best results. A mechanic can check the the brake pads in order to determine if it needs to be replaced. Many modern cars have sensors which scrape against a brake disc once the lining gets worn out. When they do you’ll start hearing a screeching sound; that’s when you know it’s time to get them replaced.

Other signs of worn brake pads include pulsations when you brake, longer stopping distances and feeling your foot press down further than usual when you brake. It can be difficult to note these changes since they happen gradually.

In the last few years, auto makers have been using rotors that are thinner in order save money and reduce weight. As a result rotors may also need replacing at the same time brake pads are changed out.

Contact us if you need brake or auto service near Kansas City, MO.