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Little girls LOVE Fairy Gardens and foo foo stuff like that. So why not build some memories on a rainy day and make one together from scratch? Then you can make the fairy house however you/they want. It will also teach your child to use their imagination and you can help build their creativity while still having fun!

You will need……

  • Craft Sticks
  • Plastic Container
  • Colorful Buttons
  • Colorful Stones
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Cardboard Box

Put it all together like this…..

–Get your plastic container and have your youngin go collect some soil from outside.

–Then you need to work on the actually Fairy hut. Get some kind of cardboard box and cut out the door. Then hot glue your craft sticks to all the side (this is definitely where an adult will be needed).

–Then you let them decorate the hut with the buttons. You apply the glue and they place them all over where they are wanting them.

–After the hut decorating is all done you place it wherever you are wanting it in the container and begin to decorate around it.

–You can add some moss or anything like that for decorations as well as using the stones to make a path or something like that for the “fairies” to walk across.

There you have it. Something that will teach your child as well as build memories together. This is something you will both always remember doing together! =)