Summer is Upon us, and with that means pool time, sun and of course that suffocating heat! You know that moment when you let yourself into your car, and as soon as you open the door, you immediately get punched in the face with an imaginary “heat fist”? And you think to yourself…”Self…I think i’ll just wait out in this beating sun until my car cools down.” The only problem is…It’s SO HOT OUTSIDE, the probability of your car cooling down to a bearable temperature anytime soon is definitely not in your favor. If your one of those people, I’ve got a simple, AND FREE tip to help you get your vehicle’s temperature in drivable condition.
STEP 1: Roll down either the Driver’s Side window or Passenger Side window.
STEP 2: Walk around to the opposite door of whatever window you rolled down (if you rolled down the Driver side window, Go to the Passenger Door).
STEP 3: Open and close the door 5-6 times and VOILA! A temperature regulated vehicle!
This Creates circulated airflow throughout your vehicle. Sometimes, the simplest tricks are the best! If your car doesn’t seem to cool down once started, there is a good chance that there may be an issue with your Air Conditioning Unit. If you suspect that OR would just like one of our Certified Tech’s to check your vehicle out, Contact Us At Woody’s Automotive Group!