YUM is all that’s needed to be said here! Follow along below and see how you can make this melt in your mouth desert for the whole family!
What will I need??
–1 1/2 (8 ounce) cans crescent rolls
–1 stick unsalted butter
–3/4 cups brown sugar
–1 teaspoons vanilla
–1-2 teaspoon cinnamon
–1 teaspoon lemon juice
–1 cup orange soda
–2-3 fresh peaches
How do I do it?
*Butter 8×8 inch baking dish.
*Preheat the oven at 350 F.
*Peel peaches and cut each into 4-6 slices (smaller peaches you can cut in 4 slices and larger in 6)
*Roll each peach slice in a crescent roll and place in a buttered dish.
*Melt butter, stir in brown sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice and vanilla, when it’s thickened, remove from heat and pour over the dumplings.
*Pour the soda in the middle and along the edges of a pan (not over the rolls)
*Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until they become golden brown.
This is better of course if your serve warm. Maybe even add some good ol’ ICE CREAM!! =)