Not sure if you should lease or buy?
Considering buying or leasing a new Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep or RAM near Kansas City MO? Here is a breakdown of the differences between the two.
Monthly payments when you finance or purchase are typically higher compared to a lease. You also have the ability to make any changes to your vehicle as you like. Buying is a solid option if you plan on keeping your car or truck for many years to come. Once the loan is paid off you own the vehicle 100%. That’s a significant benefit because once paid off you won’t have a car payment for as long as you decide to keep it.
Leasing may be a good choice if you enjoy changing your vehicle every few years. Leasing allows consumers access to vehicles with the latest technological features. Another benefit is that the vehicle is likely to be covered under warranty for the duration of the lease.
If you decide to lease you will be asked to return the car to the dealership once your contract ends. One of the main advantages of leasing an auto is that payments are generally much more affordable compared to financing. Down payments are generally much less when leasing.
There may be termination fees involved if you would like to discontinue the lease before the contract period ends. One of the biggest drawbacks of leasing is that you won’t build any equity. Individuals who like to change cars every few years may find leasing more favorable than buying.
We can help you lease or buy a Jeep, Ram, Chrysler or Dodge near Kansas City MO.