Get Your Brakes Checked
If your brakes are starting to sound a little squeaky this fall, make sure you get them checked. Cooler weather is drawing near and you don’t want to have any issues on the side of the road because of some faulty brakes. Failure to get the correct checks, or to make the necessary repairments could make you liable for a driving offense.
Get Those Windshield Wipers Fixed
A super important thing is to make sure your windshield wipers are as good as new, really! Rain from summer and spring probably did a number on your car. New windshield wipers can help get your car ready for fall and keep you from disaster.
Check your Car Emergency Kit
If you have used items out of your car emergency kit, you’ll want to take the time to refill it when you can. You’ll need those items when you least expect it, so refilling those items as soon as possible is important. It’s also wise to put extra blankets/pocket warmers in your car, just in case you do get stranded on the side of the road during cold weather.
Double Check to make Sure Your Spare Tire is Good
Most people don’t know their spare tire isn’t worth much, until they are forced to rely on it after a flat time. Double check your spare tire and make sure you have everything you need to change a flat tire. There’s nothing worse than being stranded without the right tools.
Always Have a Plan in Place
Most people have car problems at one point or another. What matters most is that you are prepared for those car problems. See if your insurance covers a tow and if they don’t, have a tow company on speed dial. Have a plan in place for who you will call in case there is an emergency. It’s always best to be prepared, even if it feels a little over the top.
With the weather changing, your car will need taken care of. Make sure all fluids are up to date and that he/she is running good. Follow these car maintenance tips for fall so your car will stay in tip top shape for when you need it most.
Woody’s Automotive Group’s service department is here for any problem your vehicle may have! Give us a call today at (888) 895-6545 or click here!